A "special military operation" against a free nation.
A war of aggression against millions of innocent people.
The war of a state terrorist, born of low and primitive motives.
Putin's war.
This mass murderer stands outside of the human community.
His drive is greed for power and glory. His strategy is external and internal violence.
Владимир Владимирович Путин, история человечества не знает кремлевских сказок.
A head of state who ordered the systematic destruction of livelihoods.
A church leader who is sanctioning the killing of the imperialist.
A civil society that largely falls for morally underexposed demagogues.
A nazionalism that destroys the lives of innocents.
Every woman, every man,
every child, who has lost his life, lost his parents,
cannot or couldn't experience the beauty of our world,
puts this tiny one in the shade.
2 deeply connected ex-KGB agents with a fatal view of mankind and humanity,
from left to right: personified hypocrisy and contempt for man
Easter 2022, Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow
Wladimir Michailowitsch Gundjajew, do you really think you are a priest? You are not.
Wladimir Putn, step back. And after that, do what you have to do . Quickly.
Go back to the place ↓, where you came from...
...even if you do not deserve the bullet.
War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague and lifelong solitary confinement for WannabeTsar:
Is it just a dream?
"This violence has become second nature to Russian society,
it has become the identifying code for a society based on
hierarchy and subjugation, on taking away and dividing resources,
in which brute force is above morality and power is above the law....
Russia has presented itself to the world as it really is."
Sergei Medvedev, born 1966, Russian political scientist, historian,
former professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow
To the one who reads this here:
If you can't paint over the bloody "Z" with your hands, please do it in your mind.
For the brave people
of Ukraine, for freedom, for humanity.